Empowering African Women in Water and Climate

African Woman in Water and Climate is a pan-African initiative that empowers African women to be leaders in the water and climate sectors.

African woman in water climate


AfWWC was founded in 2023 by a collective community of African women. We are driven by the interdependence of water and climate - the current climate crisis is essentially a water crisis. We believe that African women have a wealth of traditional knowledge and skills that can be utilized to tackle local to global water and climate-related challenges.

What We Do

Capacity Building
Capacity building

AfWWC offers training and mentoring programs to help women develop the skills and knowledge they need to be leaders in the water and climate sectors. These programs cover a wide range of topics, such as water management, climate change adaptation, and advocacy.

AfWWC also provides women with access to resources to help them continue their learning.

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AfWWC provides a safe space for women to network with each other and share experiences. This networking can help women build relationships with other professionals, learn about new opportunities, and get support from their peers.

AfWWC also organizes events and conferences where women can come together to learn, share, and collaborate.

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AfWWC advocates for gender-responsive water and climate policies and programs. This includes working with governments and other organizations to ensure that women's voices are heard in decision-making processes.

AfWWC also publishes reports and articles to raise awareness of the challenges that women face in the water and climate sectors.

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Grassroots Work

African women are disproportionately affected by climate change and water scarcity, but they are also playing a leading role in adapting to these challenges.

AfWWC is working with grassroots women's groups across Africa to promote sustainable water management and climate change adaptation.

Frequently Asked Questions

AfWWC is a pan-African initiative established by a collective communityof African women designed to empower and position them as activeleaders, experts, negotiators, researchers, partners, and agents of changein the water and climate sectors. The initiative aims to realize equitable,inclusive, and sustainable development within the continent and beyond.

AfWWC is driven by the interdependence of water and climate - the current climate crisis isessentially a water crisis. Water is the primary medium through which we will feel the effects ofclimate change. Sustaining life without addressing these issues is impossible since every sector needsor is impacted by them. Thus, if you strive for poverty alleviation, agricultural productivity, flood anddrought management, energy production, and environmental sustainability, you are part of the waterand climate community.

AfWWC aims to empower African women to take a leading role and be represented in the decision making, process. This is a significant step towards achieving gender equality and inclusivity in the water and climate discourse, and ultimately addressing local to global water and climate-relatedchallenges to improve lives both within the continent and beyond. The representation of Africanwomen at the negotiating tables of the water and climate sector is minimal, and inclusivity is key tosolving the water and climate crisis.

Contact Us


Bole Sub-city - Sintayehu Belay
Building-1st Floor
Infront of Saay Pastry
Addis Ababa

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    T: +251 929131890

    T: +251 94 668 0587